Personalized eBooks


Did you enjoy reading our books? Make it even more special by personalizing the child’s name and your dedication!

This e-book can be read on a tablet, smart phone, or computer.

A personalized children’s book will be a gift to treasure forever.


Did you enjoy reading our books? Make it even more special by personalizing it!

We’ll personalize the following based on your specifications: (1) Name of the main character in the book (2) Title of the book (Example: for a child named Olivia, the title will be “Feeling Olivia’s Worry”) (3) Dedication. We will send you an official document to fill in these details, and we’ll show you a proof of the book prior to printing. Please allot 30 working days for printing and delivery of the book (starting from your final signed approval of the proof copy).

Click here to read our books before ordering.

Additional information


Personalized Feelings eBook, Personalized Anger eBook, Personalized Fear eBook, Personalized Worry eBook, Personalized Book + EBook, Personalized Book + EBook + Audio Book


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