
Feeling All My Feelings Book Reviews: recommended by teachers, professionals, parents, and kids!

Children's picture books about dealing with emotions

“I got goosebumps reading this book to my 3 year-old son. It’s so powerful when read aloud, and he had so many questions after! I especially love the ending, which reminds me of “The Plans I Have for You.” I think this book has the quality of a classic, right up there with “Guess How Much I Love You.”

Books like these are not meant to be scientific, but are really an art. As the author said, it will open up conversations about feelings. It’s up to parents to make sure their children interpret the book’s message the right way (that big feelings are okay, but there are things we can do to help) vs. the wrong way (that feelings are all in the mind and we can simply will all bad emotions away all the time). 

Dr. Victoria, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician  (

Books to help kids understand feelings

“My daughter keeps asking me to read this to her every night. She loves the characters and laughs every time we read the “MOO” joke! The best part is- it’s helped tame her tantrums. I remind her about the techniques discussed in the book and we try them together. I’m so glad I found this book!”

Cherry, a mom who loved our book on Good Reads

help kids deal with fear

“This is a wonderful book! It will surely help teachers, parents, caregivers, and even kids themselves understand that all the things they are feeling are okay. Amazing writing and illustrations, hands down!”

Blue Santiago, Kindergarten Teacher

picture books to help kids with tantrums

“I don’t like this book… I LOVE it!!”

Emma, 6 years old


Great for bonding with kids!

Our youngest child has difficulty processing emotions and the first night we read this to him, he showed interest right away and immediately felt better after learning that a lot of other kids are going through the same thing.

Hopefully they don’t get too bored with this book as its been on repeat every night!

Geovy, Dad of Three

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Wow! This is so amazing.

My heart feels so full knowing that there’s a book that understands what children go through. I appreciate how it incorporates the superpower and emphasizes that they can choose what to do. I also like how the author mentions that it’s meant for parents to read with their child. This would be a nice book to discuss in class, and I’m excited to read future books in the series!

Ly Solomon, K-1 Guidance Counselor

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My 2 and 4-year-old loved it!

Finally, a book my 4 year old could really relate to! By the end of the book, he felt that Kyle and his BIG feelings was him! We spent so long on each page and were able to go through moments he also felt angry or sad or scared. It’s such a lovely book for discussions and the illustrations are lovely!

Truly, truly love this book!

Jenica, Mom of Three Kids

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